Automatic language processing

Here you'll find all the research relating to automatic language processing carried out at CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences and its laboratories.

Automatic Language Processing (ALP) is a multidisciplinary field that involves linguistics, computer science and artificial intelligence. Its aim is to create tools for processing text and speech (including signed speech) for various applications. ALP combines contributions from computational linguistics - rule-based language models - and statistical, machine learning and deep learning methods. It is one of Artificial Intelligence's major fields of application.

Research into automatic language processing facilitates the design of computer programmes that translate texts, respond to requests, synthesise large quantities of content and generate texts from various information sources. ALP research is increasingly involved in societal issues relating more broadly to information processing like security, medicine, education, the media and communication, scientific information and the cultural and creative industries.

ODD4   ODD8   ODD9

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