Xth Iberian Colloquium on Social Economy of CIRIEC

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Sustainability, in a triple perspective of territorial social cohesion, heritage and social tourism, is intrinsic to the concerns of both CIRIEC international and its national delegations, as well as INATEL Foundation. 

As part of the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the CEEPS - Centre for the Study of the Public and Social Economy (CIRIEC - Portugal), in a joint effort with INATEL Foundation, the X Iberian Colloquia on Social Economy of CIRIEC and the I International Colloquia of Social Economy of the INATEL Foundation will be held on November 18 th and 19 th, 2019, with the generic theme of Territory, Heritage and Social Tourism Sustainability and the following subthemes: Sustainability and Social Economy; Heritage and Social Economy; Social Tourism; and 2030 Agenda and Social Economy. 

Although the general approach to the subject can be very diverse, papers should focus on the role that Social Economy entities play or may play in the search for new paths of sustainable development geared towards territorial cohesion. 



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