Collective action and mobilisation

Here you'll find all the research on Collective action and mobilisation carried out at CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences and its laboratories.

Collective action and mobilisation are an extremely important form of participation in social and political life. The humanities and social sciences pay particular attention to this subject particularly, but not exclusively, sociology, political science and philosophy along with the territorial sciences which study this subject in terms of its spatial representation. Research into these issues is particularly useful for those working on the political systems that structure our societies, forms of political participation and on the ways these collective movements are organised, institutionalised and structured. In particular, social movements surrounding the construction of major infrastructures have renewed researchers’ thinking about public debate and forms of deliberation in our societies. In the field of the sociology of science and technology, this subject has renewed questioning about expertise and the hybrid forms it can sometimes take.

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Research centers and networks

CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences laboratories

Innovation and outreach

CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences post-doctorate

Un post-doctorat de 24 mois (droit, Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique) et un contrat doctoral de 36 mois (science politique, laboratoire PRINTEMPS) ont été alloués par le CNRS en soutien à la Chaire de recherche France-Québec COLIBEX sur les enjeux contemporains de la liberté d’expression (CNRS/FRQ).