Each year the CNRS rewards those who contributed the most to its influence and to research advances. CNRS scientists are in fact regularly awarded the highest international distinctions. At the European level, the organisation is also the leading beneficiary of the ERC programme, for which excellence is the only selection criterion.

Talents CNRS
Each year, the CNRS medals celebrate the researchers and officials for their outstanding contributions to the organisation’s vitality and reputation.
- The gold medal honours the body of research of a renowned scientific figure.
- The medal of innovation recognises outstanding research in the technological, therapeutic, economic, or societal fields.
- The silver medal is awarded, as their careers take off, to researchers who are already recognised at the national and international levels.
- The bronze medal is given in recognition of the initial work of a promising researcher in their field.
- The crystal medal rewards CNRS engineers, technicians, and administrative staff.

The European Research Council (ERC) was set up in 2006 to stimulate 'frontier research' by selecting and funding research projects carried out by the best European researchers.
The ERC programme offers four types of individual grants:
- Starting Grant, for promising early-career researchers with 2 to 7 years experience after their PhD;
- Consolidator Grant, for researchers with 7 to 12 years experience after their PhD;
- Advanced Grant, for established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements;
- Proof of Concept (vérification de concept), for ERC grant holders to explore the commercial or societal potential innovation of their ERC frontier research project.