2nd Virtual Conference for Women Archaeologists and Paleontologists


After the successful first edition of the Virtual Conference for Women Archeologists & Paleontologists the 8th- 9th March 2021 which brought together more than 200 people from 19 countries around the world for two really interesting days (39 talks, 7 posters, 1 round-table), we are back this year with the same objective: to make visible the research of young and/or early career women researchers from our disciplines and to reflect on the problems that intersect us as women in science.

As we are aware of the difficulties that many researchers from other countries are going through and their difficulty to access many times to scientific events, we want this scientific event to be accessible (as an audience) to everyone. Therefore, this second edition will also be free of charge and held online.

As researchers and professionals of these disciplines, our work contributes daily to the renewal of knowledge about past species and the environments in which they live and evolve. This scientific event also gives us the opportunity to share and combine our approaches between both disciplines. Furthermore, as we did in the previous edition, our aim is to create again a space for inclusion and visibility.

Moreover, this year, thanks to the sponsorship of Transmitting Science  we will give a prize to the best presentation (Regular talks). The prize consists of a Transmitting Science course of the winner’s choice. It can either be an online or in-person course (in case of the in-person course, registration fee is covered but travel expenses, accommodation and meal expenses are the responsibility of the participant).

Further information